Thursday, October 26, 2006

A totally unknown side of General and President Ulysses S. Grant 1822-1885

We all have the image of Grant, hard drinking and heavy smoking and corrupt as hell. Was he? What if I told you he was not a heavy drinker, but he was a smaller man and a lighter man...and a few drinks would wipe him out. He also suffered from Migraine headaches quite often...which give him the appearance of being drunk.

He was also honest to a fault...Never swore...Did not think it was manly to do so.

But what is really unknown about Grant are two things..He excelled at mathematics, and was quite good at painting..He had a nice artistic streak to him....

This part of Grant is never spoken rarely read it anywhere... he has been painted as to being a big drunk...not so. He was not a great President..I agree..But a better man than we have made him into.

I like this part of general Grant...He was much more gentle and softspoken than people think...He hated the sight of blood on his everything was cooked till it was near charred. But Grant the artist..... that was a new one for me....So I share that with you now and below you can see one of his paintings....

From an artist known as U.S. Grant....

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1 comment:

  1. That painting in its subdued colors reminds me of Sal Dali's The Broken Bridge & the Dream, w/o the bridge, except for ephemerally, as if. I guess it being peopled in an awe-moment is what the connection is. I just read INFIDELS a late history of the West & East's relations thru time, since Mohammed, but really just since the Turks' supremacy. Comments are pointed of our latest president to Lincoln, to Teddy & Franklin, to T. Jefferson/ allowing for a culmination of perspective on the "other" --those who we can or cannot grant consciousness w/ this reality (of "otherness")!!
