Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Spending an evening with Doctor Robert Atkins ..December 1, 1998

On December 1, 1998 I had the chance to meet Doctor Robert Atkins.

He was quite charming. I enjoyed his comments. He gave a lecture on eating and diet. I was in charge of setting up his lecture at the time. So I met him and enjoyed some nice conversation.
He was quite nice to me and wrote this autograph to me.

We had a cup of coffee together and talked on and on...It was a great December 1st.....I thank him for his kind words. Those words I share with you.

I think it is time for me to use his diet again....I want to loose 25 pounds....

Well thank you Dr.Atkins for also for a great Dec. 1st......I want to be in better shape by December 1st!!!


  1. what kind of method did he tell you? Can you share it with us?

  2. We had a cup of coffee together and talked on and on...It was a great December 1st.....I thank him for his kind words. Those words I share with you.
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