Thursday, November 02, 2006

The ten greatest minds of men who were Presidents of the United States...ever.

Here is a list of who I think were the greatest intellects of the Presidency. Now a few of them will be open to debate. But sometimes being a great intellect does not mean you are popular or in some cases honest. Sometimes I have seen Presidents who are popular...That does not make them smart...or great intellects.... But sometimes we look at popularity as a sign of intellect and success....That is so far off it is scary...So here is my list of the 10 greatest intellects of the Presidency.

John Adams

Thomas Jefferson

James Madison

John Quincy Adams

Abraham Lincoln

James A. Garfield

Woodrow Wilson

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Richard M. Nixon

William J. Clinton

Now if I was to mention the top five

John Adams

Thomas Jefferson

John Quincy Adams

James A. Garfield

Woodrow Wilson

and as I have mentioned before the most intellectual and most brilliant President was indeed ....John Quincy Adams

Here are my five runners up for the top 10

Theodore Roosevelt

William Howard Taft

Rutherford B. Hayes

John F. Kennedy

Herbert Hoover