Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Abraham Lincoln in color...... This shows how little a beard was left when he was assassinated. It was more of a Goatee

I think this is a great picture of Lincoln...I do not know who colored it...But it really looks great. This was from a series of photographs taken of Lincoln in 1865. Lincoln was an amazing man...But as the story of Lincoln's assassination is often shown. It has Lincoln with a very large beard...Now as you can see by this photo taken in 1865 how little of the beard there was. It was trimmed down by the barbers at the White House till it was little more than a goatee than anything else.

I just like to see history shown right in Docu-Dramas....So take heed Directors and Producers when you show Lincoln in 1865. Show him as he really was at that time. Not like he was in 1862.