Saturday, August 26, 2006

The end of the Woodrow Wilson Bridge 1961-2006 ..One of the more poorly designed structures in Washington DC

This coming Monday August 28th 2006 the Woodrow Wilson Bridge will be blown up by the person most badly hurt by it.

It was a disaster from the day it was opened and dedicated...Mrs Woodrow Wilson was to dedicate it on the morning of December 28, 1961.....The first disaster was.... she died that morning!!
...President Kennedy waited for a while and gave up for her a hasty dedication was done in the very cold weather...The bridge was never very well set for the area in which it was.
Traffic and accidents were always the norm on that bridge. It was known for the amazing amount of accidents that took place on it. It will be replaced by a much wider and safer bridge.
Now the person who is still living that has been most injured in an accident on the bridge will get to hit the charge that will blow it up! This will happen on Monday the 28th of August....Not a long life for a bridge...Well now it will get its dedication....a Viking one..

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